Resurrection Sunday!

Why do you look for the living among the dead?

He is not here!

He is risen!

Peace be with you!

As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.

As we celebrate Jesus’ victory on Calvary, we need to ask ourselves – How am I doing with what Jesus asks of me? I heard Ricky Skaggs speak to this and his challenge hit home for me. He spoke of the mission of the church. We are the church and Jesus called us to share His gospel message of love, of mercy, of forgiveness, not just in words but in our actions. He spoke of all that has happened in the world and of how God told us in His Word that these things would happen. So we should not be surprised.

“This has happened on our watch. The churches watch. We’re the strongest, most powerful entity on earth, The Body of Christ. We have a voice. We have authority. We have power that we have not taken because of political correctness, because we don’t want to be some religious zealot. The world is waiting to see us stand up and be who God called us to be.”

Ricky’s message is needed now more than ever. Yes, there are those who don’t want to hear it. They will attempt to silence the message. We must remember that while they may not want to hear it, they need to hear it. They are dying to hear it, dying in their sin because they don’t know Jesus Christ. They don’t know that He wants a relationship with them because He loves them. He died for them.

Do you have that relationship?

Do you know the Savior, Jesus Christ?

If you do then tell somebody.

If you do not, I would like to talk with you.