An Update To A Lesson In Trust

This is an update on a blog written over two years ago. Ms. Buttons went out with Ms. Pepper last night but never came back. Olin found her this morning on our country road. She had been hit by a vehicle.

She will be missed.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.                           In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.             Proverbs 3:5-6

In this past week I have been reminded of the importance of trust. And it was a tiny bundle of fur (only 12 ounces) who brought the lesson home to me in a personal way.

We live on a farm and our barn cats are an important weapon in the battle against the field mice. Our feline population ebbs and flows with the seasons. Last winter we were down to only five but this summer we have experienced an increase with several litters of kittens. One little kitten went exploring and managed to fall down between the slats of the horse barn. She was there for several days before my husband was able to get her out by removing a portion of the wall. He brought her to the house where we began “operation rescue” with an eye dropper and Kitten milk replacer. One week later she has moved on to a tiny bottle and is thriving. She is determined to be friends with our black lab but Ms. Pepper is not about to have her personal space invaded.


It amazes me that this tiny kitten has totally accepted the situation. She trusts me to feed her and care for her. What an example of faith.

Look at those eyes. She has accepted me as her caregiver and follows the sound of my voice.

And seek not ye what ye shall eat or drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.                                                                                                                                                                       Luke 12:29-32  

I have been reminded in this that my Father in heaven knows all of my needs and He will provide all that I need.        I can rest in the thought that He loves and cares for me. I need not be anxious for anything. My God is able!

Sunrise in Missouri

This is the day that the LORD has made.

Rejoice in it!

Today we return to standard time. From March until November many areas of the country turn their clocks ahead one hour. Daylight Saving Time they call it. As if we have any control over the daylight!

Here on Odessa Avenue the sun is nearing the horizon. I watch as the sky gradually grows lighter. Above the tree line the dawning of a new day colors the sky. It doesn’t matter what the clocks say – It is sunrise in northeast Missouri.

There are ducks on the pond in the pasture across the road. It is light enough now that I can see them. (Check out the bottom right corner of the pond.)

It is a beautiful fall morning. The thermometer reads thirty-five degrees. They say it will be in the fifties this afternoon. A good day to rake up a pile of leaves and jump into them. My jumping days are past but I do love to wade through a big pile just to hear the crackle.

Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

Well the sun came up and went behind the clouds. That is life.

We have no control over God’s creation.

Thank You LORD, for this new day!